Funds will fuel the company’s strategic initiatives, global growth, and advancement of its AI-driven financial technology platform for alternative…
Insights from the Canoe Partner Program For alternative investors and allocators, the journey towards success can be fraught with…
Aman Soni, VP of data strategy at Canoe Intelligence, shares insights on the role of generative AI in reshaping private…
At a recent event hosted by The Drawdown, a panel discussed how GPs and LPs are incorporating AI and how the industry can attain the skills needed to realize their potential.
Canoe Intelligence (“Canoe”), the platform for smarter alts management, has been recognized as the winner in the “Most Innovative Use of AI in an Enterprise Data Management Initiative” category at the A-Team Innovation Awards 2024.
NEW YORK, February 28, 2024 – Canoe Intelligence (“Canoe”), the platform for smarter alts management, has been selected as a…